Grab The Proven GPS to Negotiate with MOST Toxic Personalities on the Planet!

  Watch THIS 👇to Find Out How to SLAY the Narc in Your Life


SLAY™ Benefits:

  • Latest Technology: Delivered Immediately Via our App or to Your Device

  • User Friendly: Step-by-Step Process That's Easy to Follow

  • Support: Community for Daily Support

  • ​​Lifetime Access: Lifetime Access to Everything

  • ​7 Bonus Gifts: Plus Content Worth More than $28,000.00

JUST $28,000 $497

Introducing SLAY Your Negotiation™ With a Narcissist

Slay™ Your Negotiation with a Narcisisst is a battle-tested & proven blueprint.

Are you ready to shift the dynamic and go on the offensive instead of constantly feeling like you're on the defensive? Then this is for you!

The ONLY program personally developed by a Top 1% attorney who has worked with narcissists that actually walks you step by step through how to ethically manipulate the manipulators into giving what you want.

Discover how to create a real strategy and leverage so that you can be two steps ahead of the narcissist at all times   

It's Time to SLAY Step by Step

Finally stop being a victim to their narcissistic rage, gaslighting, and trauma, by turning the tables and being the one to control the process

S.L.A.Y. is actually the framework, the methodology the GPS:

   S stands for having a Super Strong Strategy,

   L stands for having invincible Leverage,

   A means that you will be Anticipating what the narcissist is

   doing and being 2 steps ahead of them at all times, and

   Y stands for focusing on You and your case. 

What If?

Imagine that you could communicate with narcissists in a way that instead of them dominating everything and twisting everything you say, leaving you in fear of what they are going to do next, lie about next, or hide next?

What if you could actually get something accomplished?

Whether it’s dealing with them in a, in a breakup, or a boss, a business partner, family member or whatever your situation...

What if you could win every time and there are no losers?

You can actually transform your relationship with conflict.

 It's all about you feeling valued, honored and respected and setting yourself up, so nothing and no-one can ever infringe on that.

If that sounds amazing or too good to be true, it's not. It truly is possible.  

  See What Judge Lynn Toler Says About Rebecca

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.9 stars (500+ reviews)

  • Are you ready to have peace in your life while also being in control and directing outcomes with toxic people
  • Do you hate conflict but you're also tired of feeling powerless and manipulated?
  • Do you want to be able to set aside the struggle and interact with that difficult person and still feel in flow?
  • You want to end the feeling of being jerked around and fatigued by their games? 
  • You don't want have to spend money that you either don't have or would rather not waste and still not end up nowhere
  • ​​Have you been feeling overwhelmed or maybe even paralyzed about how to strategize, constantly feeling like you're on the defensive?
  • And what if I told you that I've figured out the secret sauce on how to get them to back down?  That you only need one framework?  
  • ​​I've helped thousands of people go from lives of drama, trauma and chaos to step into lives of freedom, possbility and purpose.
  • ​I can help you too. Get started below.

  See What Bob Proctor Said About Rebecca


Be Supported By a Community 

Surround yourself with a community of people who are understand exactly what you are dealing with. With thousands of people interacting daily, starting a discussion, getting helpful answers, and with power of technology, confidentiality and support has never been easier.

Thousands of Success Stories

Join our fast growing community of success stories. We have thousands of people inside our community who have overcome their fear of negotiating with toxic people and gotten the resolutions they've wanted without backlash and our now living their newly created futures in the most powerful way.

4 Hour Crash Course

Log into the training portal and walk through each module, like following a recipe, it's that easy. The training is designed for you to go at your own pace. If you want to go fast or slow, it's up to you. You also have the community and coaching.

SLAY Program Outline

Every lesson you'll learn in the program.

  • ​Module 1: Intro to SLAY Method- Let's Crush This Negotiation: What If? [2 Videos]
  • ​Module 1.1 Narcissists in Disguise - Beware of the Camel in the Tent!
  • ​Module 1.2 How to Rock This Program and Your Negotiation
  • ​Module 2:“S” Creating Super Strong Strategy [11 Videos]
  • Module 2.1 What Is A Super Strong Strategy?
  • ​Module 2.2 Who Are Narcissists And What Are Their Traits
  • ​​Module 2.3 What Drives and Motivates Narcissists?
  • ​​Module 2.4 Phases of Narcissistic Relationships
  • ​Module 2.5 What are Master Manipulation Tricks Narcissists Use in Negotiation?
  • ​​Module 2.6 How Narcissists Behave When the Relationship Breaks Down
  • ​Module 2.7 3 Steps to Developing a Super Strong Strategy
  • ​​​Module 2.8 Let’s Create Your Action Plan
  • ​​Module 2.9 How to Create Fierce Documentation Like a Boss
  • ​Module 2.10 Know Thyself Then Know Your Enemy Even Better
  • ​​Module 2.11 Determine Your Best and Worst Case Scenarios Then Do Your Risk Assessment
  • Module 3: “L” Creating Invincible “Magic Bullet” Leverage [10 Videos]
  • ​Module 3.1 Let’s Create Your “Magic Bullet” Leverage
  • ​Module 3.2 Another Crushing Blow - How to Apply the Statutes/Laws to Your Case
  • ​Module 3.3 How to Create Your First Offer
  • ​Module 3.4 Where and When Should the Negotiations Take Place?
  • ​​Module 3.5 The Secrets to Controlling Communications with Narcissists
  • ​​​Module 3.6 Crushing the Actual day of Negotiation
  • ​Module 3.7 How to Powerfully Present Your First Offer
  • ​​Module 3.8 Snuffing Out the Bluffing? How to Tell If They Are Bluffing
  • ​​Module 3.9 Deleting Weakass Language
  • ​Module 3.10 When and Where to Spring Your Leverage on the Other Side?
  • ​Module 3.10 When and Where to Spring Your Leverage on the Other Side?
  • ​Module 4: “A” Anticipating What They are Going to To and Being Two Steps Ahead of Them [7 Videos]
  • Module 4.1 Anticipating Arguments and Being Ready to Smack Them Down
  • ​Module 4.2 Body Language: Power Plays for You and Reading What They Are Actually Saying
  • ​Module 4.3 Move the Opposing Party Off Their Position and Closer to Yours
  • ​Module 4.4 When Negotiation Turns Red Hot in Intensity, How Do You Calm It Down?
  • ​Module 4.5 Beware of the Mud!
  • ​Module 4.6 Documenting the Deal(s)
  • ​Module 4.7 No Resolution? Is It a Total Bust? What’s Next?
  • Module 5: “Y” Focus on You, Your Mindset and Your Position [6 Videos]
  • ​Module 5.0 Focusing on YOU, Your Mindset, and Your Position (Overview)
  • ​​Module 5.1 The Relationship Between the Empath and the Narcissist
  • ​Module 5.2 Focusing on Your Position
  • ​Module 5.3 Focusing on YOU
  • ​​Module 5.4 Mental Pivoting
  • ​Module 5.5 Self-Care
  • Module 6 | Wrap Up: What If? [1 Videos]
  • Inspirational Wrap Up - What If?

  See What Dr. Joe Vitale Says About Rebecca

Money Back Guarantee
Your Investment Today Is Completely Risk-Free As You're Protected By Our 100% Money Back Guarantee*


Brent Paiste, Financial Broker
"If you don't know where to start or feel stuck, follow Rebecca and go through her program. Dealing with a narcissist has been a scary road but SLAY has given me the right mindset and tools to be prepared.”
Necole McDonnell, Life Coach
“After getting your information and taking your SLAY program Rebecca, I completely turned a corner. Before I found it, I made a lot of mistakes. Once I found it, everything changed for me! Now, I feel amazing and I haven't felt this way in many years."
Chikodi Chima, Communications Executive
“The SLAY framework definitely works and literally saved my life! Really grateful to you. Your content is inspiring and informational. I know I'm not alone, how to take my power back. It's been the greatest gift of my life. Thank you so much!"
Heather Hartinger, Corporate Executive
“SLAY has literally changed the situation for me and has given me a sense of confidence and well-being. I promise you will be the game changer you are looking for!"
Will Joseph, Realtor
"Rebecca turned the situation around entirely, so that I now have an exact framework to operate within. I know exactly how to respond to emails, and the narcissist is now having to work with me in a rational, normal person way."
Amy Newmark, Bestselling Author & CEO Chicken Soup for the Soul
“What I love about Rebecca is she teaches you how to negotiate your way through narcissistic relationships. So if you have one who is really causing you trouble, Rebecca is your person. She will help you negotiate your way out of that relationship and come to a happy conclusion.”
Marilyn Sandor, DDS, Pediatric Dentist
“Anyone can use and start using this information with success without delay. The tips are simple and real-world, so they are easy to understand and easy to implement. I went from feeling helpless and abused to feeling strong, decisive and in control right away."
Paul Landi, Restaurant Owner
"I will never forget the nightmare I had to live through , but your program made me stronger and gave me all the angles to defend myself and ultimately prevail. I feel stronger and like there's nothing I can't handle now in my life. It works. I'm living proof."
Rachel Gabriel, Real Estate Broker
"I just always felt like a sitting duck. Like the narcissist in my life was running the show and I just was constantly on the defensive. After working with Rebecca, I now finally feel at peace and can sleep at night knowing exactly how to deal with anything the narcissist throws our way."
Krystyna Ozanich, TV Host  
"SLAY was incredibly helpful. It showed me how to have productive conversations with the narcissist, how to achieve the goal, which normally you can't do, by laying out an exact plan so you can be drama free. It's just amazing. I loved it!" 
Audrey Waldron, Model
"This course is no joke. It completely transformed the way I negotiated. I would have continued to be bullied. It gave me the tactics, the verbiage and the confidence I needed to walk in and slay in my mediation. You can't put money on that kind of empowerment. Thank you so much for putting this course out there. This is a game changer."
Susan Brazer, Entrepreneur
I have had to negotiate with some of the some of the most powerful people. People who thought they were doing me a favor just by talking to me. Using the SLAY method, I have secured millions of dollars in venture capital for my new business and now I get to share it with the world.
Laila Aitken, Business Owner
"I’ve never felt totally comfortable asking for anything from anyone and especially from narcissistic people. By using the SLAY method, I finally had the tools I needed to feel like I had a voice. My closing rate has tripled since I took this course 3 months ago. I can’t say enough about how incredible it is."

Claim Your 7 Bonus Gifts

$22,500 Retail Cost   -  FREE (when you buy now!)

BONUS #1: 50 Key Phrases to Disarm a Narcissist!
If you’ve ever tried to disaram a narcissist on your own, you know how hard it is! This is the HOLY GRAIL of disarming narcissists! I've seen entire books on this topic and there is nothing else out there like this. We've had people come back to us and tell us that they keep reprinting this and carrying this around with them to use this. This is worth the entire program alone. (VALUE: $1000)
BONUS #2: Documentation at a Glance
You hear this all the time! DOCUMENT! DOCUMENT! DOCUMENT! But what does that really even mean? In this program, I walk you through HOW to actually document, plus I give you this incredible Documentation-at-a-Glance visual aid that you can keep handy to remind you of exactly what you should be documenting all the time. I even gives example of documenation I have used that have won in my real cases!  (VALUE: $5000)
BONUS #3: Snuffing Out the Bluffing Cheat Sheet
Have you ever wondered how you can figure out if someone is scamming you before you spend thousands of dollars on doing a deal with them? This handy dandy cheat sheet gives you eight ways to know if someone is bluffing. Save yourself headache, time, and money by figuring out right away if the other side is negotiating in good faith. (VALUE: $1500)
BONUS #4: Magic Bullet Leverage Samples & Blank Exhibit to Fill in
You'll get samples of leverage from my own cases that actually won - more than 40 examples! PLUS you'll get a “copy and paste” template you can use to effortlessly fill in… without wasting thousands in additional attorneys' fees. I already did that part for you. (VALUE: $5000)
BONUS #5: The I-See-Everything Timeline Samples and Blank Template to Fill in For Your Own Use
You'll get samples from my own cases that actually helped me win! Plus you'll get a “copy and paste” template you can use to effortlessly fill in without having to waste thousands in additional attorneys' fees. I already did that part for you. (VALUE: $2500)
BONUS #6: Make My Lawyer My Ally Package
Are you tired of feeling like your lawyer doesn't have your back or doesn't understand narcissism? Most lawyers don't! This is a 5 page packet that I wrote myself filled with all sort of information including a background of narcissism; do's and don't of litigating and negotiating with narcissists and so much more. Stop your lawyer from spinning their wheels and wasting your time and your money and allowing them to run the show. Make sure they have your back. Just simply print this out and give this to them so they understand who they are dealing with and stop making costly mistakes. (VALUE: $2500)
BONUS #7: NLP Interview Removing Pschological Barriers to Success
And HUGE additional bonus for you that I am adding in here for you. An whole extra entire module of training with Mike Zeller, who is a specialist in neurolingistic programming. In this module, he is giving you an entire training on how to remove psychological barriers to your own success. This is absolutely priceless - and I don’t offer this anywhere else. (VALUE: $5000)

All together, these bonuses have a real-world value of $28,500.00

Meaning that's exactly how much others have paid for access to these 7 offers.

But they are yours FREE when you take advantage of this special offer now.

  What's the Cost of Negotiating Without SLAY?  (My Story)

I can tell you this firsthand. A few years ago, I decided to enter into a small entrepreneurial endeavor myself. That endeavor ended up costing me so much more than money.

While I had already practiced in the area of high net worth divorce law for nearly two decades at that point, and had certainly dealt with narcissists, and had even been a celebrated master negotiator, I had never dealt with personally being the target of a covert narcissist. It ended up to be one of the worst, most traumatic nightmares of my life.

Now, I personally know the drama, trauma and chaos they cause. One day, I was at the top of a mountain on vacation with my family and I realized I was thinking about the narcissist instead of enjoying my time with my loved ones. It was then and there that I realized that if I allowed the narcissist into my thoughts and my life that I was allowing myself to be a victim, not a victor.

This was NOT how I was going to let the story end.

I came down from that mountain and finished my negotiation book, Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R: The Sure Fire Method to Step Up and Win. I got out of that business relationship and I have never looked back. My life has taken off since then.

Every day now, I remember to defend my light with my life.

I remember I can CHOOSE to be a winner. There is a redemptive power in making a choice. You can just DECIDE how the next phase of your life is going to look.

But you have to do it. No one is going to do it for you. Once you do it, I'm here for you.

But YOU have to take the first step.

So what's it going to be?

Victim? Or Victor?

Let's SLAY This!


  See what our students have to say...

Our community has over 6,700+ students, in 50+ countries, in over 100+


  • You are ready to get rid of that narcissist in your life and take your power back
  • ​​You are ready to stop feeling manipulated and you hate conflict
  • ​You want real results from the most demanding people without struggle and effort
  • ​You're sick of being devalued and unrecognized 


  • ​​Because you're going to love when you feel like you are the one who controlling the negotiations with narcissists and driving the outcomes.
  • ​Because you know how amazing it will be when one of your best friends come up to you and says “wow you look amazing - lighter, free, and full of life.
  • ​​Because you're going to love when you have transformed your relationship with conflict.

You're going to love SLAYing YOUR LIFE!

That's why it's important you TAKE THIS STEP...

  Product Summary:

  • ​​SLAY Your Negotiation Modules &Workbook ($6,000 value)
  • ​50 Key Phrases to Disarm Narcissists ($1,000 value)
  • ​Documentation at a Glance ($5000 value)
  • ​Magic Bullet Leverage, Samples, and Template ($5000 value)
  • ​I-See-Everything-Timeline, Samples and Template ($2500 value)
  • ​Make-My-Lawyer-My Ally Packet ($2500 value)
  • ​Special Module - NLP Training with Mike Zeller ($5000 value)
  • ​​Exclusive Private Community (priceless)
  • ​14 day money-back guarantee (100% risk-free investment)

TOTAL VALUE: $28,500.00

1-payment of $997 orchoose the payment plan

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.9 stars (500+ reviews)

Have a question about anything you read here? Call our friendly support team now, or anytime at (213) 986-7758.

Or email support@rebeccazung.com

There's also an FAQ at the bottom of this page.

However, if you're ready...

I’ll see you on the inside.

Your friend,

Rebecca Zung

~ Today is the day to start negotiating your best life.

  Frequently Asked Questions

How long until I see results from this program?

That all depends on your current situation, your ability to execute and take focused action, and many other variables. This is a four hour program but you can watch it in parts and execute at any stage and use whatever parts you want at any stage you want. You can also rewatch at any time and have lifetime access to the program. 

Does this work for anyone?

Yes we have worked with thousands of people in countries all over the world. This does not address specific laws but rather addresses negotiation stratagy and tactics which work for all humans all the planet who are narcissistic or toxic.  

What if I am already done with a legal case with a narcissist but still fighting?

If you are still negotiating then this will definitely help you at any stage. 

How is this different than Rebecca's books?

This is much more in depth than Rebecca's books and in fact, Rebecca's books do not specifically give direction on how to create strategy and leverage on negotiate with narcissist directly.

I can't afford this program. Is there anything you can do for me?

Yes. We can offer you a payment plan so that you can pay this off over time.

And if you can't afford a payment plan, I think you would agree that you need this program more than anyone. In fact, some of my most successful students have had their back against the wall financially when they started (as did I).

So I want you to eliminate the thought "I can't afford this" and instead replace it with "How can I afford this?" It is less than one hour of an attorney's time and used properly, it can pay for itself almost immediately. Remember that in cases where narcissists are involved, the fees are often nearly four times higher! We do offer PayPal credit financing and take all major credit cards. Think of this as an investment into your new beginning and new future.

No more victim mentality. Time to SLAY! 

How much time do I need to do SLAY?

The video modules are about 4 hours in total but you can watch them when you need to and at your convenience. They are in bite sized formats and you can come back and rewatch at any time. 

You will also need to set aside time to do the work required in the modules.

Who is this for?

Anyone who is dealing with a narcissist!   This is for you if you are dealing with a narcissistic husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, father or mother of your child, business partner, boss, colleague, employee, employer, client, family member, trustee, or whomever or whatever your situation is.  

If you are negotiating with a toxic person then this is the program for you

How is this program different from others?

This program is different in multiple ways. This program is so completely and totally effective because I understand the fundamentals of the personality type you are dealing with. There is no other plan, no other program, no other system designed by a top attorney that gives you the framework for exactly how to deal with a narcissist in a negotiation setting and actually get what you want. This is a rock solid methodology.

The exact GPS to take you from feeling helpless and abused to feel confident and powerful.

If you’re ready to start living the life you want to live - get Slay Your Negotiation With Naricissist today.

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered in the FAQ section above?

Send an email to support@rebeccazung.com

More About Rebecca Zung, Esq.
Rebecca Zung is one of the Top 1% of attorneys in the nation, having been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a “Best Lawyer in America”, as “Legal Elite” by Trend Magazine, and recognized by her peers and the judiciary as AV preeminent rated , the highest possible rating for an attorney by Martindale Hubbell. But her journey wasn’t always easy. Married at 19 the first time, she had 3 children by the age of 23 and then was a divorced single mom when she decided to go back to law school. She went from being a single mom, college dropout, to becoming one the most powerful lawyers in the country at the helm of a multi-million dollar practice. She is now committed to sharing her secrets and empowering others to live their lives at their optimum level of success, professionally and personally. She is the author of the bestselling books, Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R.: The Sure Fire Method to Step Up and Win (foreword by Robert Shapiro) and Breaking Free: A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide for Achieving Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Freedom, and is a sought after major media contributor. Her perspectives are in high demand by television and print outlets, as she has been featured in or on Extra, Forbes, Huffington Post, Newsweek, Time, Dr. Drew, NPR Talk Radio, Good Day New York and CBS Los Angeles among others. In addition to serving through these courses and resources, her YouTube channel and her podcast, Rebecca remains a law partner at Long, Murphy & Zung in Florida.  

Copyright © All Rights Reserved | Slay Enterprises, Inc.

Need help? Contact Support: Support@RebeccaZung.com

*When You Purchase Slay Your Negotiation with a Narcissist Today You'll Be Protected By Our Standard 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee. We also want to eliminate any stress or hesitation you may feel by taking all the risk for you. Your risk is ZERO. If for any reason you’re not satisfied and you have completed the program and diligently applied the action plans provided, just demonstrate that to us and we’ll give you all your money back, no hassle.  Read our full refund policy for more information.